My name is Amy and I am a qualified Holistic Wellness Coach with a vision to empower women to live naturally and feel their best, whilst aligning to the seasons!
Whether you are a busy mum, a new mum, climbing the corporate ladder, struggling with hormonal health, or just want to create some space in your life for yourself and your wellbeing, no matter what stage in life… I'm here to help!
I love to help women to feel their best and empower them to take charge of their own health and wellbeing. I’ve been on my own health journey - particularly since the birth of my second child. The demands of motherhood have definitely impacted my health. I went on my own journey of discovery to change the way I was eating and living to feel healthier.
To me, health should be something that we can support ourselves and when you look at health in a holistic way this is absolutely possible. This includes fundamentals such as breath, sleep, hydration but also movement, nutrition and daily rituals. Our bodies communicate with us to tell us something, to give us a warning sign that something may be out of balance. My work includes principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in particular a concept called Yang Sheng - which translates to 'nourish life'.
Women in particular are cyclical beings and when we begin to live in harmony with the seasons there is so much wisdom that we can harness from Mother Nature.
To learn more about my approach, explore 1-1 sessions here