Stability: Root Chakra Roller


Stabilise your inner power and evoke feelings of groundedness, safety and security with this earthy blend of botanicals and crystals.

10ml | Product by Eve & Keel

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Stabilise your inner power and evoke feelings of groundedness, safety and security with this earthy blend of botanicals and crystals.

10ml | Product by Eve & Keel

Stabilise your inner power and evoke feelings of groundedness, safety and security with this earthy blend of botanicals and crystals.

10ml | Product by Eve & Keel


Find your feet. Vetiver is a slow and steady oil, it draws energy downwards into your body, connecting you to the earth below.

As above, so below. An oil of transformation, Elemi helps us dive into the depths of our psyche balancing our inner and outer worlds.

Black Tourmaline
Ground and protect. Throw on your cloak of protection and stay grounded in the present moment.

Red Jasper
Emotional stability. Allow the Red Jasper crystals to absorb negative energy as you settle on an even keel.

Frankincense oil
Connect and contemplate. Joining the dots, Frankincense connects upper and lower chakras helping you feel more at home in your body.

How to use:

When feeling disconnected and prone to overthinking, roll across your pulse points (wrists, temples) for a sense of grounded strength and stability.